Jun 14, 2016

VOIP LAB DAY 10 Adding Google Voice

Welcome back to My VOIP LAB. Today we will continue the configuration of  PBX in a Flash to act as PSTN gateway for Skype for Business.

Finally we are at the point where we can connect PBX to our Google Voice account. If you do not have Google Voice already, please sign up and get a Google Voice number.

There is one important setting on Google account. In the Google Account Security setting, you need to turn on "Allow less secure apps".

Now, go back to your Incredible PBX and navigate to Connectivity, Google Voice. Go to Connectivity, Google Voice. Enter your Google ID, Password, and the Google Voice Phone Number. 
Make sure to click Add Trunk and Add Outbound Route as well. 

After you enter all the info, click Submit, Apply Config You should see the green status as shown below. 

At this point, you should be able to make calls to PSTN world using your soft phone. 

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