VOIP LAB DAY 3 Creating the Virtual Machine 2

Welcome back to My VOIP LAB. Today we will install PBX in a Flash on Oracle Virtual Box.  We will use this PBX as PSTN gateway for Skype for Business.

As I wrote in the previous post, we will use Oracle Virtual Box as the VM host and not VMWare.

Once you installed the Oracle Virtual Box, you will need to create a virtual machine by clicking on New at the top. You can leave all the configuration as default except for the network setting. The network adapter setting needs to be set to Bridged Network. Setting the adapter setting to Bridged Network, you allow your VM to get the IP address from your home DHCP server, which is most likely your home WIFI router. You can change the IP address of your PBX in a Flash box to a static IP.

You need to specify the ISO file you downloaded from PBX in a Flash download site. If you click on Start the VM should boot from the ISO file. 

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