Jun 14, 2016

VOIP LAB DAY 9 Learning Asterisk Basics

Welcome back to My VOIP LAB. Today we will continue the configuration of  PBX in a Flash to act as PSTN gateway for Skype for Business.

If you have followed the instructions so far, you now should have a working PBX and you should be able to make calls within the PBX using soft phone. Now is a good time to pause and do some learning on basics on Asterisk. I would like to refer you to the youtube channel by the VOIP Guys (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMQfSsO1da4). You should at least go through the tutorial 13 where they cover the variables. Each tutorial is very short. You will save a lots of troubleshooting time later by going through those tutorials. 

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