VOIP LAB DAY 15 Adding Skype for Business 2015 Part 5 Receiving external calls at Skype for Business 2015..

Now that you can make call to the PSTN numbers using your Skype client, wouldn't be nice to be able to receive external calls with your Skype for Business client?
 In order to rceive calls to your Google Voice number with your Skype for Business client, you need to edit /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf file as below.

root@IncrediblePBX:/etc/asterisk $ nano extensions.conf

and scroll down (Ctrl V) till you see [from-trunk]. Now add the line as shown below. 
In this case 3332224444 is your Google Voice number and 12345 is your Skype for Business user's extension.

exten=> 3332224444,1,Goto(from-internal,12345,1)
include => from-pstn

After you done with editing, do

root@IncrediblePBX:/etc/asterisk $ asterisk -rx "dialplan reload"
Dialplan reloaded.

One more thing.. You need to select "Forwards calls to Google Chat" on your Google Voice account setting

Now you should be able to receive calls to your Google Voice using your Skype for Business 2015 client.

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